Sharon is all things to all things and nothing if she is anything.
there is no depth to deep when a chocolate biscuit is involved.....
that's just creepy!
That is scary. And swell. Sharon's swell!
Put the lotion in the basket.
I can only imagine why sharon's climbing the walls. does it have anything to do with that female governor of alaska? if so, volunteer your hearts out to defeat her so she can only ruin one state instead of spreading her venom worldwide.
Well, well, well...
It's like that old Twilight Zone Episode...The Phantom Toy Box or something like that.
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there is no depth to deep when a chocolate biscuit is involved.....
that's just creepy!
That is scary. And swell. Sharon's swell!
Put the lotion in the basket.
I can only imagine why sharon's climbing the walls. does it have anything to do with that female governor of alaska? if so, volunteer your hearts out to defeat her so she can only ruin one state instead of spreading her venom worldwide.
Well, well, well...
It's like that old Twilight Zone Episode...The Phantom Toy Box or something like that.
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